Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Moment For China

I've been contemplating what the best thing to say would be- but am at an absolute loss- My heart goes out to all those in China right now- I just can't understand why these people are experiencing so much hardship right now- As I am looking through the latest slew of video and pictures and news coverage- I have learned of an outbreak of HFMD in beijing- What's next? I can't even imagine what is to come of the aftermath of the quake itself- but how many other areas of China will be impacted by epidemics as well? I shudder at the thought of those people having to endure anymore- I saw some heartless coments on youtube stating that it was fate's retribution for their treatment of Tibet and soforth--but honestly- the people of china are not to blame here- it is the government no? and even they are not responsible for such a disaster- I don't know what it's like to live as a citizen of china- so i cannot judge the lone man- and that's who's facing this tradgedy- the individual people- poor souls who couldnt make it out or who are trapped cut off from aid-or those who have lost their entire families- I can't think of words that would do these men women and children justice- but I can say- my heart goes out to them- and I can't help but cry for them- may god- or whatever higher power is out there- be with them all right now.

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