Monday, November 26, 2007

An Incomplete Rant on Nuclear Testing and Government Responsibility

So, I'm not sure how I can do justice in my little humble blog and state how much my heart goes out to the people of the Marshall Islands. I finnished reading Bravo for the Marshallese last night-- and I'm just in awe- I never thought i could hate bush or rather the bush administration more than i already did-- but to learn that all the while as he/his administration was blatantly ignoring the outcry of many in the United States about being continually lied to and the outrage at puting our resources and military up to a fight that is clearly over oil-- which-- you know... may not have been so bad if they had at least been upfront about WHY they were going and then let the american people decide--- but.. back to my point-- ALL the while as this was going on-- he/his admin. was sitting on a petition from the RMI a Changed Circumstances Petition that called desperately for more assistance to the already vastly underfunded aid for a problem we created and then hurriedly tried to coverup.... They werent even insiting that other islands and atolls be added-- and the ammount they were asking for was barely what we already spend every 2 years on clean up efforts in Hanford that are inexcusably unsuccessful-- I just dont understand how anyone can sit back and actually still put ANY faith or trust in our government--
To make matters worse, as i was reaching the end of the book, I came upon a passage that was very new news to me (and if this shows how much in the dark i am so be it) The proposal for a Nuclear Waste facility on Yucca Mountain-- Just north of the Mojave Desert-- I was crushed-- much of my family from my father's side (the ONLY side of my family i actually have any association with) still lives in the mojave desert-- and my great gradnmother owns land in nearby mountains (on the california side though i believe)... (she just turned 100 this past year) and well.. since my family has not mentioned it-- due to the great threat it poses not only to the nation as a whole-- but to that area so important to our heritage and culture-- tells me that efforts to fully inform people are vastly inefficient-- (much as they were--though maybe not as much so-- in the Marshall Islands) My family seems at least outwardly to know nothing of this proposal-- and its nearing its final stages-- being fought by the local people-- but not necessarily by the people who that land means the most to-- much of my father's family has little to no education-- my father was the first person in our entire family to ever graduate from highschool-- I in turn am the first person to ever to go college--- so... even if they knew about it-- I'm not sure they would have the courage to or understand the great need to speak up and out against the proposal. I fear that they put trust where it is not deserved due to lack of educational attainment or even self educating activities-- The DOE has not had a very stellar track record in my humble opinion-- and I dont trust them as far as i can throw them-- They claim to have a failproof preparation plan for earthquakes (As this area is very high risk for such an occurance) and assure everyone that transport will not pose a threat to them (but-- as i saw in the case of the Marshallese-- they contiually assured people there was no danger KNOWING full well that there was danger simply as a means of obtaining test subjects) It seems to me-- that this-- in conjunction with Hanford and the impact that that whole mess had on native american populations-- is just one more deep backstabbing wound for the native american populous-- apparently-- their lands (those of the shoshone and piautes) are not worthy of maintaining-- are not hospitable or habitable places, and the people who subsist in those lands are apparently expendable..... I cant go on much more about this-- because i am only getting angry-- I instead have resolved to trying my best to help in the effort of the fight against the DOE's proposal--I contacted a man from nevada running a legal battle against the proposal today to see if i could get my hands on petitions/donation flyers/information packets ect... I will let you know if and when i hear back... Thanks for reading! :)

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Holly M. Barker said...

(I get an email anytime "Bravo for the Marshallese" appears so please don't be freaked out that I am commenting on your website.)

I just wanted to write to thank you for your blogging about the book. It is certainly nice to know that the book is educating people about the RMI since that was the goal. It's just not right that most people don't know about this important, and devestating chapter in U.S. history.

I'd love to help you get more involved in the RMI and nuclear issues if you are interested. You could consider internships (for credit) at our Embassy in Washington, D.C. or the RMI's U.N. office in New York. You could teach English in the RMI after college. You could do a research project for credit about the RMI (and know that I would be happy to assist in any manner).

There are some amazing Marshallese working on these issues and it would be wonderful if you could meet them; They inspire me each day that I work on these issues.

Thank you again for helping to educate others about the Marshallese. Please feel free to contact me anytime:

Take care,

TawniAline said...

I will probably send you a more detailed email at the conclusion of this semester- However, I have not fully added my anthropology minor yet- I dont really have a use for doing an internship or reserach project for credit :) though it sounds like it would be fun to do for non-credit- and teaching english in the RMI sounds equally exciting-- However, as my degree will be in nursing with an anthropology major-- which may eventually transfer to a major-- I'm not sure what my best course of action would be there :) But as said before :) i will send a detailed response after mid December :) Thank you SO much for taking the time to read my blog :) it really means a lot to me :)