Friday, December 14, 2007

Don't Hide Behind a Shroud! Breastfeeding Moms Stand Proud!

The Great Breast Fest Montage from mothergoosemouse on Vimeo.


TawniAline said...

I know this is my second post today- but I had to add it- This is the second time I've come across this video. We were extended breastfeeders (weaned at 21 months) and I wasn't comfortable breastfeeding in public until my son was almost 6 months old (I know some women take longer than that... but that's long for me) I don't think any woman should have to feel ashamed to provide her child with the best nutrition nature can provide. So I share with you the mighty breast fest :) Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Great Post!! I was also an extended breastfeeder I had no choice but to get comfortable really fast as he ate ALL the time. If I wanted to leave the house I had to nurse in public. Nick weaned at almost 3 years old... Justin weaned at about 18 months and while the end was hard and tandeming was tough I wouldn't trade that time with my boys for anything.
