Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Moment For China

I've been contemplating what the best thing to say would be- but am at an absolute loss- My heart goes out to all those in China right now- I just can't understand why these people are experiencing so much hardship right now- As I am looking through the latest slew of video and pictures and news coverage- I have learned of an outbreak of HFMD in beijing- What's next? I can't even imagine what is to come of the aftermath of the quake itself- but how many other areas of China will be impacted by epidemics as well? I shudder at the thought of those people having to endure anymore- I saw some heartless coments on youtube stating that it was fate's retribution for their treatment of Tibet and soforth--but honestly- the people of china are not to blame here- it is the government no? and even they are not responsible for such a disaster- I don't know what it's like to live as a citizen of china- so i cannot judge the lone man- and that's who's facing this tradgedy- the individual people- poor souls who couldnt make it out or who are trapped cut off from aid-or those who have lost their entire families- I can't think of words that would do these men women and children justice- but I can say- my heart goes out to them- and I can't help but cry for them- may god- or whatever higher power is out there- be with them all right now.


Before I move on to more serious topics- I'd just like to post a quick little rant in relation to cleaning and household junk- so if you'd prefer a more intelligent posting or something with a little more uhm- how shall we put this- no- just blunt- something that might actually be a little interesting :)- then move on to the next post in line :)--ANYWHO- When you have a 3 person household- or god forbid there be more at this current moment in our lives- and only one person cleaning- things can get pretty damn nasty... no joke- i just did dishes and cleaned up around the kitchen- and i really wanted to puke- things had gotten a little backed up while i was sick- because well... let's just face it- Dave doesn't clean :) now i have to give him some credit :) he's been just as sick as I have- but he's done less than a tenth of the work that I've done- i think in total he maybe did 3 loads of laundry since the start of the year- and he's finally close to having fixed my lawn mower- so i might actually be able to cut the ENTIRE yard soon- for the first time this year- astonishing no? (long story- belt issues, now some missing spring and a blown gasket- man i hate hand-me-down crap lol) this has probably been our worst year thus far in terms of keeping up with necessity household tasks-and this- compounded by the fact that we have a horrible mouse infestation that our cat cannot seem to keep up with (give the poor guy a break :) he's fat and lazy and only cares about the mice if they try to get at his food) aaanyway- i figured out how the nest near the kitchen has subsisted for so long- apparently in a box from Christmas we had a huge package of ramen noodle type things and well- they chewed a hole in the box and ate ALL of the noodles- so- there's the answer to that problem- maybe now if i can get rid of any other unknown food source- they'll go back next door where they belong lol :) (or hey- i don't know- maybe out on that giant brush pile in the back where the rabbits live peacefully and we don't give a damn?? just get out of our house! lol) aaanyway- just a little grossed out from having (almost) finished cleaning my kitchen- i can't take anymore tonight though- i might wind up losing my appetite for a week- anyway- onto more interesting topics? :) lol- thanks for reading

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Snickers, Three Musketeers, and M&M's Oh My!

Learn more at

Wouldn't you rather take off a break of that Kit Kat Bar? :) -just taking a moment to say- THANK YOU HERSHEY'S (for making delicious candy and not being a cruel and ruthless company like MARS)!! :)
Oh- and Just an FYI- MARS also manufactures (obviously- the infamous mars bar) Skittles, Twix, Milky Way, Dove (also known as Galaxy), Starburst (as listed in the video)- they also produce Combos, Uncle Ben's, Dolmio pasta sauce, Whiskas, Chappy, Greenies, Medi-cal, Nutro, Royal Canin, and Pedigree- They also unfortunately purchased Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company just this past april (sorry Bubble Tape- used to love ya- but no longer will I be a fan...)

sorry i've been out for a while-i have some noteworthy things to say -but i'm going to let this run for a bit first- because I feel like it's more important :) Thanks for stopping in!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Young Children With Asthma- Needing Advice!!

Well.. I'm in an odd spot right now... sorry I dont have new and interesting tidbits to rant about... but.. i guess life has just gotten too serious for my funny bone the last few months... Our pediatrician finally took us seriously today- and for whatever reason- i'm not relieved- i actually feel a bit anxious now... Owen starts using an inhaler 4 times a day as of tonight... and well.. i guess it just feels a little too real now.. like i'm not just that crazy mom who worries too much.. this is a real problem that could create real obstacles.. and i'm trying not to look at it negatively- but i think it will take me a while to adjust... anyway- for those of you out there with young children who have asthma.. i have a question- how in the world do you get them to use it when they're not having an attack?? (our pediatrician wants us to use it routinely every 6 hours and he HATES the taste of it... i mean.. i'm sure i could get him to take it if he was having an attack and seriously couldnt catch a breath (I hope!!) but.. he just cries and doesnt want to take it (he's 2 just so you know... will be 3 in june)- we have the aerochamber. but he doesnt want to put it in his mouth-- what can we do?? (oh and did i mention inhalers are insanely expensive?? lol) :) even with insurance its a new 30$ a month bill! didnt see that coming!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Headed For Recovery

So I've managed to scrape myself back up a little- and hopefully I'll become a bit more interesting again soon :)
Anyway- for some updates- I conquered the pneumonia, however, I have a mild ear-infection trying to start up that I'm fighting rather aggressively with mucinex and Tylenol (and my beloved zicam lol) anyway :) I think I'll manage to knock that out without a hitch (god pleease! I can't afford another dr's visit lol-at least wait for me to get insurance before I get sick again!)
Owen is almost all better- they put him on a stronger antibiotic when the augmentin didn't completely knock out the pneumonia and he got a double ear infection on top of it-- he's still coughing but faring much much better
Dave had a PET scan this past Tuesday- no results yet- will update on that more later
Also, I dropped one of my classes to lighten my load a little and have managed to catch up a little and may actually manage some good grades this semester (*crosses fingers*) whether or not I will have to repay my grants remains to be seen- but I think this late into it if anything they'll just adjust it and i'd have to pay for that one class out of pocket if anything (I can hope!) :)
And I just thought I'd add that I adore my new daycare :) I couldn't ask for a more supportive bunch of women and I'm just astounded at how well Owen has been doing since he started there- he's happier more playful and learning even more :) (oh and we get an art project to take home every day to boot) :) I LOVE them :) lol- just thought I'd share :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

When It Rains... It Really Does Pour...

Wow-- this year has not been so hot so far. Sorry for the quiet page for the past few weeks- I've been in misery health-wise. Dave initially got sick (presumably because whatever was already wrong with his lungs made him more vulnerable) (which for those of you who don't already know- he's got a mass in his lungs that we're still trying to figure out what it is)-- anywho-- so then Owen wound up getting really sick- home 4 days in a row with a fever between 103.5 and 105 + a horrible cough.. it was horrible.. then he started a round of antibiotics and then...predictably... I got sick... but i didn't just simply get sick-- i got REALLY sick-- like pneumonia sick... and it's not responding to antibiotics at all.. I started on amoxicillin first (because well.. with no insurance antibiotics are a little out of my budget so we tried to throw some hope at it lol)... well.. quite frankly-- it did absolutely nothing- and next.. i took z-pack (azithromyicin) which started to make me feel better... but.. ultimately in the last day and a half of my supply my cough started to come back-- and I thought it was ok- but then... today... it came back with a vengeance.. and now.. i can't sleep... which I'm sure is only going to make it worse... so.. i decided to give the codeine script i never filled a try tonight.. and it seems to be helping slightly.. so hopefully i can sleep soon.. but.... man this has been rough-- and obviously all this has not helped in the least with me catching up with my school work-- so... I'm just kind of slipping away.. but.. hopefully all will be well again soon- I'm going back to the doctor (AGAIN) tomorrow after i drag my sorry ass to class in the morning (I hope anyway lol- we'll see if i manage to make... i may well end up completely retaking my classical mythology class.. because I'll be really surprised if i don't fail it (you think I'm kidding-- but seriously I'm doing worse this semester than I've done in my entire life at school- i just pulled a 74% on my physiology exam 3 weeks ago- that's unheard of for me.. i just can't even believe what's happening...) for those of you with religious hearts... pray for me.. i really need it right now... i don't know what happened but the holidays hit, passed, and when i came out on the other side my life was upside down and something just snapped and i can't get things back how they were... something has to give.. right?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Church Down the Street

Picture soon to come (if I can pull my head out of my ass that is :) ) I keep forgetting to charge my camera- but :) we have something new to laugh at down the street :) our church down the street's message this week: "Getting Naked for Lent" :) just thought i'd share :) and hopefully i'll manage to snag a picture before it's gone :)

--well... quite obviously i didnt manage to snap the shot :/ sorry..but.. I'm going to leave this up because i still think even without the image it's hillarious and hopefully it'll give someone a good laugh :) and when i add some pictures down the road of this church i want it to show up with those :) I swear- I love that church lol- we've considered going just because of their signs before :) but alas.. that would be the wrong reason to go wouldn't it? :) oh well lol :) (what confuses me even more is that I didnt think methodists celebrated lent?? :)--can ANYONE explain that? :) )

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Road To The Greenhouse - Give Peas A Chance

Just a little good natured humor :) no real politics involved here :) just a fun way to reiterate a wholesome message :) Enjoy!

Find more PETA videos at

Friday, January 11, 2008

What a Week!!--fresh semester brings much chaos

so i'm back- had some difficulties with my backup disk- i apparently didnt copy the system files for most of my programs :P that really sucked- and my modem didnt want to cooperate- anywho- this week has been chaotic- i have been running around all over town- getting flood insurance-thanks to rezoning- getting in touch with my new prof for piano- that was a joy-- and trying to get all of my books- which i still havent accomplished- and i shadowed at methodist today in oncology, ER, and neuro- ooh and all while trying to make sure everything is lined up to start my nursing school application on tuesday now that all of my prereq's are done- YAY :P :) so i also had to make a trip up to my highschool to get my transcripts and proof that i did indeed take 2 semesters of chemistry and passed (with an A in both semesters i might add :D ) that was also quite interesting- soooo :P now the week has come to a close and i'm exhausted :P i havent started on any of my coursework yet-- but i will- i'm just trying to give myself some breathing room right now-- i'll post on something more interesting soon :) i promise :)