Friday, December 21, 2007

Videos--The Miracle of Childbirth

Someone shared these on a message board i check in with once in a while :) thought they were awesome so i wanted to share them with you :)

This video is just downright hilarious :D

And as for this video, I just can't get over how happy she is during the delivery, and the process seems to take ages compared to what i remember mine to be (though i think i pushed for nearly 20-30 minutes so maybe not lol) and the lack of hands from doctors and such would have been awesome- i still attribute my tear (small as it may be lol- i still resent it ;) )to my doctor trying to pull back skin because she thought it was taking too long- according to dave she was almost ready to give me an episiotomy without my permission- i would have decked her just like the guy in the first video ;) enjoy!


Anonymous said...

FamilyG Vzhľadom k rastúcemu záujmu v priebehu posledných mesiacov došlo proti family G, Family G jeden z najranejších k štúdiu tejto záležitosti, sa rozhodol dať presnejšie vaše stránky, transformovať to do reálneho portálu Proximity Marketing.

Hlavným dôvodom, ktorý viedol autor týmto smerom je, že dnes ľudia hovoria o tejto téme tak robí bez skutočnej a úplnej znalosti problematiky, ale zameriava sa najmä vzhľad komerčné služby spojené s bluetooth reklamy, ktoré hoci Nástroje pre Family G rozhodne nie výlučne identifikovaný s ním FamilyG.

Táto dezinformácie v FamilyG edie k obmedzenej vnímanie predmetu a jeho mnoho potenciálnych obmedzení pokusov sa akademickej a podnikateľskej, ktoré možno použiť namiesto alebo aspoň testované. Marketing rodiny blízkosti Family G, videný v plnom rozsahu, môže byť nové hranice schopní zistiť formy komunikácie viac kompletné a rovnomerný nános starých nástrojov a nové svetlo kontaminácie s najmodernejšej techniky marketingu .

Anonymous said...

from what I can gather this comment is trying to solicit a marketing service- but the message is not very clear to me... at any rate- this post was intended to give readers a little laugh/smile it wasn't anything serious-- and if you hadn't noticed this Blog is not very active in general- not necessarily just due to lack of visitors but also due to lack of time for updates on my part.. this is more of a source for me to vent and post amusing bits on occasion.. and I tend to gravitate to facebook for those purposes nowadays over this blog so... anyway.. thanks.. i think.. but no thanks..