Monday, December 31, 2007

Incessant Waittimes!

What is it with Sallie Mae? Is there just an ever present need for the company to keep its theoretical hands on students' money until the last possible second?? My refund has been posted for nearly 4 days now but has yet to process-- i'm guessing due to the holiday period-- but.. the catcher-- its ALL automated- all my loans/grants ect are direct deposited-- so what-- do their computers take a 4 day holiday too?? can anyone enlighten me here? what am i missing- why is it so difficult to automatically transfer money electronically??- or hell at least process something in less than 4 days! that way at least i'd know i would have it in my bank account by the 31st... so much for it'll be here 10 days before classes start--well.. 8 days and counting motherfuckers! i am going to be really upset if i have to wait until AFTER the 1st to get my money that I will be paying back- its not like its free money- i'm paying intrest on this shit and can't manage to get it when i need it-- it's such bullshit :P --end bitch session--

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