Monday, November 26, 2007

Black Friday Madness :)

consumerism at its essance by ~david-bowie on deviantART

A nice Image to coincide with Black Friday-- What can I say.. :)
I'm shamelessly addicted to the infamous holiday despite my lackluster opinions on consumerism/commercialism/globalization ect ect.... I just cant seem to help myself--- but :) I retain my principles when shopping i think :) despite my need to feel the rush of the crowd
I think it is just that its the one time of year i get to spend time with just "the girls" of the family :) because i never really buy a whole lot on black friday-- though i did this year--mostly due to my trip to Toys R Us for their early morning sale---
A note on that-- people are flippin nuts!!! I waited outisde in the excrutiatingly painful cold-- couldnt feel my toes by the time i got in-- it was insane-- hell-- I was insane... I got there at 3:15 (the store didnt open until 5) and there was still a tremendous line in front of me.. by the time the store opened the line nearly wrapped the outer edges of the parking lot... Fortunately or unfortunately depending on your criteria lol :) I was not too far out-- it only took me 1 minute or less to get in the door-- I was not so far back in the line as to even be past the cars in the parking lot-- but some of the people up front had been there since 11 the night before...
ANYWAy... it got crazy-- a line tried to form on the opposite side of the parking lot just 15 minutes before store opening-- expecting to get in before the other people who got in line respectively along the boarder of the parking lot.... needless to say.. management kindly stopped that... HOWEVER... this insane woman with a child that couldnt have been more than a year and a half on her hip... got super pissed and barrelled into a woman shoving her into the concrete wall with her cart-- and when people started yelling at her she said she didnt give a fuck and that she had a little baby with her and wasnt going to wait out in the cold-- OMG-- i was dumbfounded-- how incredibly assanine-- and what a lovely example to set for your young child-- if you dont get your way-- its ok to throw a fit and hurt people (badly i might add) in the process... some people... i swear...
ANYWAY :) I managed to get in, get my stuff, and get out in 15 minutes flat :) lol-- 2 hours of waiting in line for a 15 minute trip to the store :) go figure :) but at least i didnt have to battle long lines at the cash register or anything and I still made it home in time to make owen's lunch, get him dressed and ready and get to circle centre in time to meet up with my family :)
Past that :) I only spent about 20$ while actually at the mall... but it was fun-- unfortunately-- staying up to make that sale so i didnt have to cough up money we didnt have to replace toys that were stolen drained me more than i could handle and i couldnt make it long enough to have lunch with everyone afterwards :/ I was a little sad.. but... I felt a little bit like an odd man out this year for some reason anyway...
Oh and on a side note Dottie made 3 vegan dishes this year at thanksgiving just for us :) (lol-- and some oyster dressing for dave of course :) ) aanyway :) I just thought i'd share my crazy story from black friday with you :)

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