Thursday, November 29, 2007

Coca Cola- the cold inescapable vice

So, As i was starting to clean the house today- because i dont really have the ability to work much today as owen is home AGAIN sick-- this time with pink eye (yay!) uh-- I noticed the overwhelming number of cans of coke everywhere that i had been starting to tune out-- Its actually too embarassing for me to write just how many there are--- anyway-- I have no choice now-- but to admit-- I... am addicted...100% completely and fully.... to Coca Cola-- i mean-- I honestly think i might be capable of quiting smoking before quitting coke.... I have tried going to caffine free- and i can subsist on it-- but i always wind up giving in and going for the "real thing" and no other brand or company will do... that's all i ever drink-- in fact, i rarely ever drink even water-- it IS my source of hydration... (as inefficient as it may be) It's been this way since about a month after we went vegan and i gave up milk- because before- milk was my ONLY liquid with a little bit of coke here and there-- now i drink anywhere from 3 to 5 a day-- usually all within the same 2 hour period.... and i dont drink really anything else all day... soo... i have a massive problem-- and i know THAT alone is what is caused my weight loss to come to a halt and is holding it there--- so... i dont know what to do from here-- i am terrified to say goodbye forever-- - but its almost like alcohol-- i mean-- if i dont touch it at all-- i dont notice really-- a little craving here and there-- and a longing feeling-- but.... if i drink even a sip--- I have to drink a TON of it... and i've been diagnosed as boarderline hypoglycemic in the past... and I KNOW that that is a precurser for diabetes-- its almost like subconciously i'm asking my body-- please-- make me fat.. make me a diabetic... PLEASE.... i just dont know how to quit... someone help me :( or... whatever higher power may exist up there.... lend me a hand-- would ya? Thanks for your time

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