Saturday, November 10, 2007

people and their medicine

why are people so stubborn??? so unwilling to admitt that the medial community might have it wrong sometimes??

Just a little backgroud-- my "friend" for sake of privacy-- 22 years old-- had a stroke this year-- believed to be from mixing birth control with smoking-- I had warned her over and over about it-- first-- she took depo-- a drug that virtually sent my body to hell and back (i had nonstop heavy bleeding for nearly a year on the stuff--and had horribly screwed up cycles after coming off of it---) anyway-- what my doctors had done for me was the same thing they did for her they decided that to get my cycles reregulated they would put me on the patch-- well-- they put her on the pill (same hormone-- different method of administration) anyway-- while i was on the patch (i am also a smoker) my blood pressure spiked to 181/116--- within 3 months of starting it-- and wow-- lo and behold--- dispite my warnings to her-- she takes the pill and within just a few months-- strokes out--

she's doing ok now-- but-- has decided to go with an iud to prevent pregnancy-- as now she has no choice and cant become pregnant because of some of the medications she's taking-- i warned her that if she ever wanted to have kids in her life (once off the meds and such) she should probably consider a diaphragm or cervical cap--- anything but an iud-- which is shown to cause scarring on the fallopian tubes--- she and her mother just looked at me and said-- she's done a lot of research and her doctor says its safe---

did I NOT warn you last time?? was i NOT right?? did your doctor not adamently profess that the pill was a safe option for a heavy smoker last time and just encourage you to cut back??? who the hell are you going to trust??? i'm telling you--- i'm really close to this person in my life-- but i dont want to hear 10 years from now about how she cant get pregnant or how she got an ectopic pregnancy due to extensive scarring in her fallopian tubes.... (not to mention she has other risk factors that might have caused a little of that from the past as well)

I just dont understand how people can put so much faith in doctors who have ALREADY proven that they will tell only the bare minimum about the true risks behind the option they are choosing--- (kind of like the world of pain medications and inducers in child birthing--but more on that at a later date to be sure)..... sorry-- i just had to rant-- this makes me so sad and angry at the overall sheep like blind trust in the medical community... just do a little hardcore research-- look for the cases where things went wrong-- get an idea of just how many people actually DO have complications from them-- and then-- decide if its the right option for you-- especially when you really do have a desire to have kids later in life... i just dont get it....

*steps down from soap box*


Ysh said...

Hola gracias por firmar mi blog, no entiendo inglés pero con internet se consigue todo.
Un saludo muy grande.

Anonymous said...

Wow I had no idea that IUD caused Scaring, I've had an IUD for two years and did lots of research and never read anything about that.

I'd still have chosen it as at the time it was the best option for BC for us (and still is .


TawniAline said...

Oh-- I'm not saying they dont work-- or that they're not right for some people (I have discussed my feelings on IUD's with Karl if you are curious for more info :) ) but yes.. they have been shown to have some association with scarring of the fallopian tubes (understandably so since they technically work by scraping out the uterine lining-- just as abortions pose some risk of scarring) I'm just frustrated because she wont listen to the fact that there might be better options for her out there especially considering that she isnt 100% sure she doesnt ever want children-- AND has other history that already puts her at risk for scarring in her uterus... so... i just got frustrated that she just shrugged me off-- on a normal basis if it was anyone else continually not listening or considering what i have to say-- i'd just stop talking or saying what my opinion is-- but... alas.. she's pretty important in my life and i'm kinda stuck with her lol :)

Anonymous said...

I agree that people's blind faith in doctors and unwillingness to think for themselves is frustrating...and it's a very common thing, unfortunately.