Friday, November 9, 2007

Poor baby :((

I feel so bad for my little boy today!! he's not wanting to do anything except lie on the couch with thomas playing-- he's getting his 2 year molars on one side finally--- and he's just miserable-- every time he gets a new tooth he gets excessively high fevers--and that is much the case today-- we're alternating between 102 and 103 (for his temperature) :( he has a slight cough and sneeze but that's it (mostly from the excess drainage and stuff building up-- i dont think its a full blown cold-- it ususally isnt) so... i guess studying is out except during naps-- cause i cant concentrate with the tv going (wierd i know.. but i have to study in absolute silence)..... so... i thought i'd come on here for a bit.... i'm going to see if he's up for some vegan pigs in a blanket later (what mommy really wants anyway) :) but--- i'm sure all he'll want is "soy nuggets" lol :D have a good day!! thanks for stopping in!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah teething was always really hard on our boys, too...and Justin is getting his molars now as well. Fever, crying, runny nose, diarrea, the whole bit. Seems like there should be a better way!