Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Library Fines--- in need of more reasonable limits

Is it just me- or is it hellaciously expensive sometimes to rent things from the library? I mean seriously-- I simply dont seem to have the discipline to return items exactly on time-- and that can be excruciatingly expensive if it happens to be a movie-- How is it possible that it is actually cheaper for me to rent from blockbuster-- or hell even to buy any movie i want to watch? Isnt the point of libraries to make media more accessible to the general public? For those of us that dont have the money to see all the movies or buy all the books we would like to? Due to some unexpected time constraints in the past couple of months i had a very hard time getting everything turned in and had trouble finding some things because we had taped them shut in Owen's closet during a painting project-- it actually turned out to be cheaper for me to just outright buy over half the materials i checked out (only 2 of which were movies by the way :P ) and i still owe money :/ Maybe i'm just not cut out to rent from libraries during the school semester-- i did fine when i wasnt busy and it was summer time-- but sheesh-- i had forgotten why i stopped going to libraries so long ago :P i guess i had to relearn the hard way-- let this serve as a reminder for me--- I'm not a good library renter lol :) at least this time i kept my reciept so i dont have to go through what happened last time (which i didnt remember until they slapped me with the fines-- last time-- i had to pay all my fines twice because someone didnt put it into the computer that i had paid (it was nearly 100$ :P -- i'll be keeping my reciepts on my computer desk for the next year lol )

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